Innvenio sp. z o.o. Wersja Odoo 14.0+e-20231106

Informacja o Innvenio sp. z o.o. instancja Odoo, Open Source ERP.

Zainstalowane aplikacje

Fixed Header Kanban View
Set Fix Header Kanban, Set Permanent Header Kanban, Web Sticky Header Kanban, Freeze Header Kanban, Set Fix Header, Set Permanent Header, Web Sticky Header, Freeze Header, Set Fix Header in Kanban, Set Permanent Header in Kanban, New Design Kanban View, New Style Kanban View, Web Responsive Kanban View, Advanced Kanban View, Odoo Kanban Odoo, Design Card View, Style Card, Responsive Card, Advanced Card Advanced, Advance Kanban Advance, Odoo Backend Kanban, Employee Kanban View, Employee KanbanView, Employee Card View, Advanced Employee CardView, All in one Web Sticky Header, Employees Kanban View, Employees KanbanView, Employees Card View, Advanced Employees CardView, Employee Navigator Kanban, Contact Kanban View, Advanced Contact KanbanView, Contact Card View, Advanced Contact CardView, Fixed Header Frozen Card, Contacts Kanban View, Advanced Contacts KanbanView, Contacts Card View, Advanced Contacts CardView, Dynamic Kanban View, Partner Kanban View, Advanced Partner KanbanView, Partner Card View, Advanced Partner CardView, All in one Freeze Header, Partners Kanban View, Advanced Partners KanbanView, Partners Card View, Advanced Partners CardView, All in one Dynamic View, Customer Kanban View, Advanced Customer KanbanView, Customer Card View, Advanced Customer CardView, All in one Kanban, Customers Kanban View, Advanced Customers KanbanView, Customers Card View, Advanced Customers CardView, All in one Card, HR Kanban View, Advanced HR KanbanView, HR Card View, Advanced HR CardView, Kanban View, KanbanView, Dynamic View, Elegant Kanban Employees Kanban, Elegant Card Employees Card, Elegant CardView Employees CardView, All in one Sticky View, Web Sticky Header in Kanban, Freeze Header in Kanban, Set Fix Kanban Header, Set Permanent Kanban Header, Beautifu Kanban, Web Sticky Kanban Header, Freeze Kanban Header, All in one Fix Header, All in one Permanent Header, Frozen Header Kanban
Birthday Wishes
Birthday Wishes for Employee, Customer
CRM Kanban View
New Design Kanban View, New Style Kanban View, Web Responsive Kanban View, Advanced Kanban View, Design Card View, Style Card, Responsive Card, Advanced Card, Responsive CRM Kanban View, CRM KanbanView, Responsive CRM Card View, Advanced CRM CardView, Responsive Customer Kanban View, Customer KanbanView, Responsive Customer Card View, Advanced Customer CardView, Responsive Contact Kanban View, Advanced Contact KanbanView, Responsive Contact Card View, Advanced Contact CardView, Responsive Partner Kanban View, Advanced Partner KanbanView, Responsive Partner Card View, Advanced Partner CardView
Many2Many Tags Widget
Colorful Widget, Colorful Many2Many Link Tags Widget, Web Widget Tags Many2Many, Tags Widget Link, Many2Many Link Tags, Design Widget, Design Input Widget, Many2Many Input Tags, Odoo Widget many2many_tags, Base Field Many2Many Link Tags, 2Many Link Tags, Base Field Many2Many Tags Link, 2Many Tags Link
Od zapytań ofertowych do wystawiania faktur
Fakturowanie i płatności
Śledź potencjalnych klientów i zamykaj szanse
Strona WWW
Kreator witryn dla przedsiębiorstw
Zarządzaj swoimi zapasami i działaniami logistycznymi
Zarządzaj rachunkowością finansową i analityczną
Zamówienia, przetargi i umowy
Organizuj i planuj swoje projekty
E-mail Marketing
Zaprojektuj, wyślij i śledź e-maile
Karty pracy
Śledź czas pracownika na zadaniach
Przesyłaj, weryfikuj i refakturuj wydatki pracowników
Twórz i dostosowuj aplikacje Odoo
Document management
Time Off
Allocate time off and follow time off requests
Centralizuj informacje o pracownikach
Purchase Order On Project
Purchase Order On Project
Sales Order On Project
Sales Order On Project
Project Task Template
Project Task Template
Total Number Of Products And Quantity On RFQ / Purchase Order
Display Total Number Of Products And Quantity On RFQ / Purchase Order
Odoo Advance Email Configurator
This module will help user to configure outgoing and incoming mail server.
Bid Evaluation
Evaluate and score bids
Project Template
This apps helps to make project as template and make new project from the Template
Odoo Advanced Partner Groups Contact Groups Contact Categories
Powerful tool for managing Odoo Contact Partner Groups
Employee Tasks
Display the number of tasks on the Employee Form view and Kanban view
Form Builder & integration of professional and versatile Forms to collect any information you need for your business.
Forms | CRM
Forms integration with CRM Leads
Forms | Mail
Send Forms via mail
Forms | Partner
Forms integration with Partners e.g. contacts, clients, customers, suppliers
Forms | Purchase
Forms integration with Purchase Orders
Forms | QWeb Reports
Generate (PDF) reports for every Form
Forms | Sales
Forms integration with Sale Orders/Quotes
Forms | Storage Filestore
Store uploads/files by URL in Odoo filestore (attachments)
Send Message Composer
The tool to always open a full composer on the button 'Send a Message'
Mail Messages Easy. Show all messages Show sent messages, Reply to message Forward message Print message Archive message Delete Undelete message, Quote message Move message
Read and manage all Odoo messages in one place!
PostgreSQL Query Deluxe
Quick Language Selection
Change the language from user preference menu with only one click.
Row Number in tree/list view
Show row number in tree/list view.
Sale Discount on Total Amount
Discount on Total in Sale and Invoice With Discount Limit and Approval
Copy Invoice Line
Copy Invoice order Line
Copy Purchase order Line
Copy Purchase order Line
Copy Sale order Line
Copy Sale order Line
Sync Studio
Synchronize anything with anything: SystemX↔Odoo, Odoo1↔Odoo2, SystemX↔SystemY. ETL/ESB tool similar to OCA/connector, but more flexible
Project Task SubTask Checklist
Project CheckList SubTask Checklist Project SubTask CRM Check List Project Checklist Employee crm_checklist Sale Order CheckList construction checklist Read Only User Hide Any Menu multi level approve website document attachment product attachment
Trilab Invoice PL
Base module to manage invoice in PL
Trilab PL Financial Reports
Trilab PL Financial Reports: Balance and P&L
Wysyłaj dokumenty do podpisu online i obsłuż wypełnione kopie
Manage your employees' schedule
Czat, bramka pocztowa i kanały prywatne
Centralizuj swoją książkę adresową
Planuj spotkania pracowników
Media Społecznościowe
Zarządzaj mediami społecznościowymi i użytkownikami witryny
Twórz i weryfikuj wnioski o zatwierdzenie
Automatyzacja Marketingu
Twórz automatyczne kampanie mailingowe
Publikuj posty na blogach, ogłoszenia, aktualności
Umawiaj spotkania z klientami
Twórz własne konsole
Track employee attendance
Marketing SMS
Zaprojektuj, wyślij i śledź SMSa
Kod kreskowy
Używaj skanerów kodów kreskowych do przetwarzania operacji logistycznych
Zarządzanie umiejętnościami
Zarządzaj umiejętnościami, wiedzą i CV swoich pracowników
Wykonuj połączenia za pomocą systemu VoIP
Umowy z pracownikami

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Wielojęzyczny plan kont
Polska - księgowość