How much?
6 mln PLN
Maximum grant
Maximum level of
333 mln
Maximum contest
Submission final
Basic Information.
The Ecological Loan is financing from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, which entrepreneurs can expect at the beginning of 2023. Companies that have the status of a micro, small, medium or large enterprise (up to 3,000 employees) will be able to apply for funds to finance investments to increase efficiency enterprises. The received subsidy can be used for investments related to the modernization of infrastructure or increasing the energy efficiency of production processes in the company. These activities should contribute to achieving energy efficiency at the level of at least 30%. The maximum level of co-financing will be up to 70% of the value of eligible costs. (source: BGK).

micro companies,
small companies,
medium companies,
big companies.

Subject of financing
modernization of heat/electric energy sources or replacement with RES systems,
thermal modernization of buildings,
modernization of internal heating lines,
modernization of ventilation, air-conditioning and cooling systems,
modernization of lighting,
purchase and installation of control systems aimed at reducing energy consumption,
energy-saving production processes (replacement or modernization of machines/devices with more energy-efficient ones),
modernization of ventilation, air-conditioning, cooling, lighting systems, etc. in terms of energy efficiency.

Financing terms
The implementation of the project will have to be preceded by an energy audit, which will justify the need and scope of the implemented solutions. We recommend establishing cooperation with the contractor now. By the time the recruitment is launched, all necessary audit documentation should be ready. The decision to finance the project will first require a positive assessment of the Applicant's creditworthiness. In this way, the competences of commercial banks will be used to confirm the economic potential and financial feasibility of the analyzed investment projects. In this case, it is also worth making the necessary financial analyzes in advance.

Settlement rates
The co-financing obtained from the ecological loan must be used for a comprehensive project preceded by an energy audit. The audit should show at least 30% savings in primary energy consumption.
Support levels

Bonus for SMEs:
+ 10 % for medium companies,
+ 20 % for micro and small companies.
Bonus +10% for areas in regions covered by support from the Just Transition Fund, i.e., voivodeships:
Lodz, Silesia, Lower Silesia, Lesser Poland and Lublin (the bonus will become effective after the EC announcement).
In the capital Warsaw region, the maximum intensity of regional aid calculated as the ratio of the value of regional aid, expressed in the gross subsidy equivalent, to the costs eligible for this aid, subject to §4 and §6, is:
25% for areas belonging to the communes of Baranów, Blonie, Góra Kalwaria, Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Jaktorów, Kampinos, Leoncin, Leszno, Nasielsk, Prażmów, Tarczyn, Zakroczym and Żabia Wola;
35% for areas belonging to the communes of Dabrówka, Dobre, Jadów, Kałuszyn, Kołbiel, Latowicz, Mrozy, Osieck, Serock, Siennica, Sobienie-Jeziory, Strachówka and Tłuszcz.
Base intensity from 01/01/2025 will be reduced by 5%.